Goofy Nerd Girl for the Win
So, there's a database here of all the child care providers, including a state ranking of their worthiness.
Because it is now a minimum requirement, newly licensed facilities (and
eventually all programs as they transition to the revised rated license) earn
their star rating based only on the two components that give parents the best
indication of quality:
Staff education
Program Standards
In addition, programs having a two component license can earn a
“quality point” for enhanced standards in staff education and program
The database also list phone numbers and addresses.
I take this and turn to Google Maps (since the database only lets me search by zipcode, not bullseye or route).
With Google Maps I can quickly get the following:
- distance out of my way on my way to work
- distance out of my spouse's way on his way to work
(I wish I had time to do an API linking the Google Not-Excel to the Maps and not have to cut and paste 77 times, but... I will take what I can get.)
Then I turn to Google Docs, where I can use a spreadsheet... and eventually rank centers on a combination of hours of business, score, distance, and price.
The only flaw in the whole thing is that we have to CALL a bunch for the pricing and wait list. On the other hand, I can filter out the ones 40 minutes in the wrong direction....
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