
Don't You Forget About Me, I'll Be At JCPenny...

So, I've seen this ad. (I must have been slacking with the Tivo remote, b/c I NEVER see ads)

Ads of the Weird must have been just as freaked out as I was, they've got a really long discussion about exactly what is wrong with it (lots): http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/08/15/AR2008081501825_pf.html

My primary thoughts were:

1)That's NOT Simple Minds, that's NOT Billy Idol, and therefore the song is WRONG.

2)Wait, when did my generation become old enough to have teenaged kids? (I think the key point here for me is that while I watched The Breakfast Club at age 13 when it got to TV, other people saw it in the theaters at age 18...)

3)Convincing parents that JCPenny remembers what it is like to rebel against the system is NOT going to convince those kids that they can wear JCPenny pants to school.

Instead, lets all dig out the VHS tape of the real thing. Or put a Wish List for John Hughes on the Tivo.

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