
WTF Has Google Been Doing with Blogger? Explained...


They are going to roll out Google WebLogs.

So, no Blogger at some point? Who knows. Touting a lot of "better" things that would be complaints about the blogger interface constraints.... on the other hand, making a blog sound like a big Gmail inbox....

I've been wondering why the blogger/bloglines links keep getting harder and harder to find....


Well, damnit.

Google posted that as an April Fools. I am not a fan of April Fools day. So, no, I didn't notice.


Leading me back to this... why IS it that Google buries Blogger in menus and makes it so hard to find? It's obviously not a "core" tool to them.

I wouldn't have believed the post (which shows up when you log in to Blogger on April *2*nd) if I wasn't looking for a reason for Blogger to be so hard to get to....

3 comments though! The most in months!


Anonymous said...

You didn't happen to see the date of the post did you? :)

( Came by way of the 'Links To This Post' on the Blogger Buzz post )

Matt Goldey said...

Check the date on the article, then read the details. I'm pretty sure that's an April Fool's Day joke.