
The Team In White....

I don't want to give away the trick on this video, but I think it applies equally well to web design.

If your users are focused on one specific goal, it doesn't matter how cool that new thing you want them to see is... they won't see it.

Conversely, if your site is a bunch of white noise, even when trying, it will be hard for someone to find that one new thing you spent so much time on.

Usability testing can solve some of this; good design some of it....


Anonymous said...

Your blog made me laugh. I wanted to tell you that "disappoint" is spelled incorrectly on #97 on your 90s music quiz. Fun lyrics quizzes though!

Yet Another Girl said...

Laughter is good.

I hand coded the entire 80 and 90's quizzes until the very end. There's going to be many wrong spellings. As long as the scoring is not spelled wrong. ;>