
K-Mart Kares...But Only a Little Bit

I snapped this photo (and yes, I have a junky little camera phone) in K-Mart last night. I probably voided some sort of EULA I agreed to by entering the building when I snapped it, too.

This is the sale aisle.

It's not NEAR as bad as those pictures of Kohls post-Christmas, on the other hand, this is every day. What's the excuse?

The best part? I stood there (trying to figure out the lowest priced sheets) and watched as the staff faced this row. The worker folded one rug (which I and, based on its state, several others had futilely looked for ANY price on), nodded and walked off.

This is the goal status. This is what the sale at K-Mart SHOULD look like! Everything's in piles, nothing has a price, nothing is sorted.

But hey, it's sale at K-Mart, you should just be happy to be able to pick through the dregs, right?


Target has clearance rows, too. With big signs, well maintained stock, and really discounted prices (witness the King Sheet set I bought for $7.00. Not one sheet, the set.)

Target is 30 minutes from my home, K-Mart is 2. Guess where I go?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're totally right on! i've heard that from a few different people, that whole line about if you're bargain shopping that you're somehow required to have a crap experience.

But, Target is always great! Hell, even Walmart is usually pretty well put together. If they can do it, why not Kmart?