
Mouse Rage Syndrome!

"It's Mouse Rage Syndrome, and it infects all Internet users sooner or later, according to a study of 2,500 Web users that was released Tuesday. Conducted by the Social Issues Research Centre in the United Kingdom, the study identified key factors that can negatively affect cardio functions, as well as the immune and nervous systems.

What's the root cause of Mouse Rage Syndrome? It's primarily caused by badly designed and hosted Web sites, according to the research center. "

Read more: http://www.eetimes.com/rss/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=196603530&cid=RSSfeed_eetimes_newsRSS

Now I feel better about when sites really, really annoy me. It's not that a site stinks, it's that *I* have Mouse Rage Syndrome... wait... so now it's my fault?

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