
oh no mr. bill oh no

Photograph 1 class day 1 now over.

professor teacher dude ("call me Ben. just call me Ben.") [he's def. gen x MTV generation] gets to my name on the role call -- which is followed by my email. well, one of them. And he busts out, "oh yeah, we looked at your site last night"

this is the point where i sink lower in my chair. people read my dot com and think REALLY weird things.

I have 3 lives: work, home, internet. I try not to mix them. this class was, mentally, "work." and see I REALLY try not to mix work and home. that way I can say what I want in my blog and not worry about my boss reading it.... I'll roll with it--- just flip the class to

next week I have to bring in photo paper, a camera, some eggs, an apron, and some bowls. we are doing photograms. ohhhhh. bow before me as I do Art. (capital A!)

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